Welcome to the lair of peculiar curiosities!


I’m A-K, endlessly curious, creative and about to help a friend in need.

I enjoy doing graphic design and illustrations, focusing on character art, clothing design and a bit of interiors and scenery.

In IT field, closest to heart are UX/UI & Accessibility design. Tech-wise I’m interested to dig deeper into front end web technologies, and keep up the basic skills in Object Oriented  Programming.

I love both tactile and digital, thus I have bachelor’s degree in business information technology AND Fashion and Clothing. And since I live to help others, the ongoing studied of vocational teacher will give valuable tools regarding pedagogics and learning.

Jack of many trades, wearer of many hats, always curious, always learning!

Selfportrait. colourful digital painting of a person with glasses.
Logo or illustration for About-section. A lineart of a hand holding a light bulb.


Skills, studies, projects, hobbies and such.

Icon of gallery. A lineart of a hand hanging an apple.


Some top pick of the graphic creations.

Icon of blog-section of the site. A lineart of a hand holding a thumb up.


Process descriptions and thoughts behind themes close to heart.

Questions or thoughts?

Send a message on the Contact-page, or let’s meet on Social Media!